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Fibres de carbone Torayca®

Download online technical guides for our Torayca® products.

Carbon Fibers - High performance

Torayca® T300FT300 – High performance View more

Torayca® T300J – High performance View more

Torayca® T400H – High performance View more

Torayca® T620S – High performance View more

Torayca® T700G – High performance View more

Torayca® T700S – High performance View more

Carbon Fibers - Intermediate modulus

Torayca® M30S – Intermediate modulus View more

Torayca® T800H – Intermediate modulus View more

Torayca® T800S – Intermediate modulus View more

Torayca® T1000G – Intermediate modulus View more

Carbon Fibers - High modulus

Torayca® M35J – High modulus View more

Torayca® M40 – High modulus View more

Torayca® M40J – High modulus View more

Torayca® M46J – High modulus View more

Torayca® M50J – High modulus View more

Torayca® M55J – High modulus View more

Torayca® M60J – High modulus View more

Carbon Fibers - Other

Torayca®Fibers – Typical Properties View more

Composite Materials

Download online technical documentation on our composite materials

Composite Materials

Pultruded profiles – rods and flats View more

Composite solutions for civil engineering View more

Instructions for handling spools View more

Certifications & Accreditations

Download our C&R ISO certificates provided by our Quality department.


ISO 14001 (2024-2027) View more

ISO 9001-2022 View more

ISO 50001 (2023-2026) View more

Other certifications

EN9100-2022 View more

NADCAP-2022 View more

ISCC Plus – 2023 (PAN Plant) View more

ISCC Plus – 2023 (CF Plant) View more

General Conditions of Sale

Downline our online General Conditions of Sale

General Conditions of Sale

General Conditions of Sale View more

Packaging, traceability and recommandations for use

Download documentation on the packaging, traceability and recommendations for use of our Torayca® carbon fibers

Packaging, traceability and recommandations for use

Packaging of carbon fibers View more

Recommanded handling of carbon fiber rolls View more

Traceability & labelling of carbon fibers View more